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Saturday, June 9, 2018

Crime in 2018 (Or Why Are There so Many Homeless People?)

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Last week I decided to order some pizza for the family to eat while we watched Touching the Void. Before going any further I should say that Touching the Void is far and away my favorite documentary, and I couldn’t recommend it more highly, though there is a significant amount of swearing, albeit in contexts where swearing is entirely appropriate. In any case the pizza…

I ordered pizza from Papa John’s (not sure in this day and age if that’s important or not.) When it arrived I took the pizzas from the delivery driver and handed them to my son. From there he handed me the credit card slip so that I could sign it. As I was signing it I noticed that a car had pulled up next to the car of the delivery driver (who had parked across the end of my driveway). I didn’t think much of it, there was another car parked across the street and I assumed the recently arrived car was just squeezing in between the two before parking in the driveway across from me.

When I next glanced up the car of the delivery driver was in motion, at which point I figured something weird had to be happening and I said, motioning towards the car, “What the heck is happening there!” The delivery driver turned and said something along the lines of “Hey bro! Don’t steal my car!” and began running after him. A second earlier and he might have got in front of him because the thief had to turn the car around to get out of my neighborhood, but by the time I pointed it out the thief had already backed into my driveway and from there he roared off. (I wonder what would have happened if I’d paid with cash? Maybe the delivery guy could have stopped it, or maybe he just would have gotten run over?)

I assume the delivery driver left his keys in the car or left it running, I honestly don’t remember if it was the latter. He also left his phone in the car, along with another order of pizzas he was supposed to deliver after mine. Anyway, I lent him my phone and he called the police. He unfortunately couldn’t remember his license plate number, and I assume one of the first things the thief did was take off the Papa John’s topper, since if he had left that on he would have been pretty easy to catch.

A police officer showed up pretty quickly, fast enough that the driver was still on the phone with Papa John’s explaining to them that they were going to have to make some more pizzas. But once he got off the call and gave me my phone back the policeman told me I was good and I went back inside to eat. I’m a little bit annoyed that I’m not in the loop on things. I’d like to know how it ends up getting resolved, though I’ll definitely be asking the next Papa John’s driver who shows up about it. (Assuming they don’t put me on some kind of blacklist.)

In any event all of this got me to wondering about the state of crime and other social indicators, like the number of homeless people. This particular crime seemed fairly brazen and unusual, and also the delivery driver assured me that he had been doing pizza delivery for a long time (though to be fair he looked like he was at most in his late 20s) and had never heard of this sort of thing happening. And one assumes that if he had, he wouldn’t have left himself in a position for it to happen to him. I had certainly never heard of it happening, nor do I know anyone who’s even had their car stolen, period, that I can think of, at least not anyone I know well.

In other words you have an unusually brazen crime, happening right in front of my house. Is it just an exceptionally rare thing that I just happened to witness by chance? Or is it part of some larger trend of increasing lawlessness. You probably already know where my biases lay: towards it being part of some larger trend. And, of course being biased, I immediately started looking for something else that might be an example of that trend. The thing that immediately came to mind was homelessness. Which seems to be getting worse and worse despite the New York Times apparently running out of words to describe how good the jobs numbers are.

Most of the time when I start one of these posts I have a pretty good idea of what my conclusion is. Either because I’ve already come across some piece of evidence which represents a smoking gun, or I have some point of my own that I’m hoping to arrive at. That is not the case with this post. Having just read Pinker’s Enlightenment Now, I’m predisposed to think that crime, like most things has been getting better. (I’m guessing that the hapless delivery driver would disagree with me.) Is crime getting better along with everything else? If so, then what’s up with the increasing number of homeless people? And shouldn’t homelessness and crime track pretty closely? These are the questions I’m setting out to answer, and at the moment I’m not sure how it’s going to fall.

Speaking of Pinker, I thought I might as well start with him, and I would have thought that among his 75 figures that there would be one on the decrease in crime, though I had no specific memory of one. And it turns out the reason that I have no specific memory of one is because he didn’t include one. He covers murder, but he doesn’t get into property crime. In fact there is no entry for crime in the index at all. I’m not sure if I should be surprised by this or not. The graphs one does find in this area definitely show a decrease in all sorts of property crime, though since Pinker likes to credit “enlightenment values” with the decrease I think he prefers to be able to show that the decrease started at around the time of the enlightenment. As such many of his graphs start in the 1700 and 1800’s, with some going back much further (with one graph on GDP going all the way back to 1 AD).

Of course not all of the things he wants to talk about have data available going that far back so oftentimes his graphs start much later, but only because he doesn’t have the data to go back any further. In this case he has the data, but it doesn’t show the nice smooth downward slope of most of his charts, a chart of property crimes starts off really low in 1960, then rises steadily before reaching and staying at a peak through the 80’s and then starting to decrease around 1990, though even after a decrease of over two and a half decades things are still not to the level they were in 1960. In other words, this graph does not quite fit the narrative Pinker is going for in his book, so perhaps it’s not surprising that he didn’t include it.

Besides not fitting his narrative, one additional reason for not including it might be that no one is entirely sure why crime has been falling since 1990. Certainly Pinker can’t easily map “enlightenment values” to this data as an explanation, though that may be only explanation that hasn’t been offered. ran an article listing 16 possible reasons for the decline in crime everything from an aging population, to video games, to abortion, and lead are suggested. I know that lead has been a favorite of many people, though just recently someone pointed out that despite horrible lead pollution in Eastern Europe under communism there appears to be no evidence of increased criminality there.

In any case, whatever the cause for the decrease in crime, the graph doesn’t fit Pinker’s narrative, but it also doesn’t fit my narrative very well either. I find no evidence that there has been a recent surge in car thefts, Car thefts have in fact been falling, though at this point it’s important to talk about the role of technology in preventing car thefts. Cars are, in general, much more difficult to steal these days than they have been in the past. With stuff like locking steering wheels, immobilizers, GPS tracking, and similar, the only way they were able to steal the delivery drivers’ car is that they had the keys. So technology has made car theft much more difficult, but that may have nothing to do with the “base rate” of criminality in society.

Okay, so it appears, despite the dramatic nature of my own experience, that there hasn’t been any increase in property crimes, or car theft. Which takes us to the next questions, has there been an increase in the number of homeless people and if so why has there been no corresponding increase in the amount of crime?

Here again, I’ll once again start out by describing my own experience. My memory is that homeless individuals and panhandlers in general were pretty rare when I was growing up. In 2000 I moved into my current house, and I don’t remember seeing any homeless panhandlers in the area, that is until the financial crisis of 2007-2008, at which point I started seeing them everywhere, especially on a particular corner near my house. My initial assumption was that the sudden increase was due to the housing crisis and the economy cratering. This would make sense of course, if unemployment shoots up and people find themselves suddenly unable to make their mortgage payments, then it’s only to be expected that the number of homeless would increase. But when the economy improved, there didn’t appear to be any corresponding decrease in the number of homeless. Just this month the current period of economic expansion hit nine years, and on top of that I recently saw that the number of job openings exceeds the number of people looking for employment for the first time since 2000. And yet, despite all this, there appear to be as many homeless people and panhandlers as ever, if not more. Why is that?

Of course the first step is to see if my observations match reality. It’s entirely possible that I’m just suffering from confirmation bias, that I’ve developed this theory of an increase in the number of homeless people and consequently I pay particular attention to them. Or maybe Salt Lake City just has it especially bad for some reason. Obviously we need some hard numbers, but as it turns out even when we look at the data the picture is mixed.

First up we have a report from HUD which says that the number of homeless, after falling from 650,000 in 2007 to 550,000 in 2016, rose for the first time in 2017. (Good summary here from BBC.) And apparently much of the gain is in LA because a booming economy has increased the cost of housing. Unfortunately the numbers only go back to 2007, so it’s impossible to say if the numbers are still historically high, or if we’re back to the level of homelessness which existed in say the mid 90s…

On the other side there are reports of homelessness increasing among children and students. We could certainly reconcile the decrease mentioned above with these numbers, but only by assuming that children and students are becoming a greater percentage of the total homeless population, while the number of homeless adults is declining, which isn’t exactly great news.

New York City appears to have the best data on homelessness of any source and here the situation is unambiguous. The rate of homelessness in New York is skyrocketing. There were 12,000 homeless people in NYC in 1984 and now there’s 63,000. Five times as many, even though 1984 was in the middle of New York’s crime and murder epidemic. Additionally much of that increase has come just since 2012, when we were already three years into the recovery. Now of course when speaking of New York (or anywhere really) you can have an argument about to what extent the leadership at the time was responsible. Many people feel that Bloomberg was horrible for the homeless and De Blasio has done much better. But you’re still looking at a huge increase in the numbers no matter how you slice it.

Moving farther afield there are numerous stories about the increasing problems with homelessness from all over the country:

Starting in my own backyard, we have conflicting reports:

Here’s an article saying that Salt Lake City has reached a critical mass of homeless people and wonders how we got into this state. This was written in 2016.

Here’s another article written 10 months before the first one, claiming that SLC had reduced the population of the chronically homeless by 91 percent. (Certainly that’s not my impression, though the chronically homeless are only 20% of total homeless.)

Then we turn to an article about Anchorage’s homeless problem. One feels like Anchorage could just buy all their homeless people a bus ticket,
and have that problem solved, who wants to be homeless in Alaska, particularly in the winter?

Next, here’s an article from just this week about a neighborhood in Las Vegas that’s overrun by homeless people, despite numerous attempts
to deal with the problem.

Speaking of stories from this week I found the following stories about Seattle. First Seattle voters are fed up with homeless spending,
homelessness in Seattle is increasing and it has reached a horrific tipping point. Perhaps voters are fed up with spending because it doesn’t appear
to be doing anything to solve the problem?

Finally there’s the situation in LA. The report I mentioned earlier, about homelessness increasing for the first time in 2017, placed much of the
blame on LA. The number of homeless in LA jumped a
staggering 23% in just the last year, and this is despite billions in taxes which have
been earmarked to fight the problem.

After working through all of the above, it would appear that the only real outlier to a picture of increasing homelessness is the HUD report, and even it shows a recent uptick. What would have been really useful is if their data went back farther than 2007. Is the 2016 number of 550,000 still really high from a historical perspective, or is that number actually as low as it has ever been? If so homelessness should be added to Steven Pinker’s list of things that are perpetually improving, but all of the other evidence suggests that this is probably not the case. That whatever else can be said about the number of homeless people in 2016, one can not say that it represents some sort of historical nadir.

This seems particularly borne out by the NYC data, which has the advantage of going all the way back to the end of 1984. Having this additional historic data, allows us to see not only that the current rate is five time the rate back then, but also that the “Great Recession” didn’t seem to have much of an effect on homeless rates. That rather than going up during that time and then falling back down once the economy improve that instead, homeless rates, for some reason have skyrocketed during the last few years even though the economy has been expanding.

Pulling this all together it appears that it’s going to be difficult to say what the true number of homeless people is, and whether that number has recently increased slightly, increased dramatically, or decreased slightly (I see no reason to believe it’s decreased dramatically). That said, it does seem safe to conclude that it’s extremely high. Certainly higher than it’s been for many decades. (I could certainly imagine that it was higher during the Great Depression.) And this is all happening during a time with very low unemployment, an expanding economy, and presumably, more money being spent directly on the problem than at any point in history (and this does include the Great Depression.) How do we explain this apparent paradox?

Honestly I don’t know. Though I can certainly speculate. Here are some possibilities:

Maybe homelessness is inversely correlated with the economy. Homelessness isn’t bad in spite of a good economy it’s bad because of a good economy. As I mentioned with respect to LA, some people think that this is the problem. That robust economic growth has increased the cost of housing. So, perhaps homelessness always increases when the economy is booming because “homes” are more expensive. Certainly this could be a contributing factor, but if you look at the New York numbers, I don’t see any obvious correlation between, for instance, the annual increase in GDP and the homelessness rate.

Alternatively, perhaps this is just the far left end of the advancing spread in inequality. That, yes the economy is doing well, and there are lots of job openings, but that most of the economic gains and most of the jobs have gone to the top 5% and things just keep getting worse for the bottom 5%, which is reflected by the increase in the number of homeless people. That not only are the poor getting poorer, but also, despite more jobs than job seekers, there are no entry level jobs. There is some marginal evidence for a decline in entry level jobs, but as far as I can tell McDonald’s is almost always hiring. At least in my neck of the woods.

Of course, we shouldn’t overlook the opiate crisis. Perhaps the increase in the homeless rate is just an increase in the number of people who are addicted to heroin or meth and consequently can’t hold down a job. Once again I’m sure it’s a factor, but I’m also not sure how big of a factor it is. This page claims that only 26% of homeless people abuse a drug other than alcohol. (To be honest that sounds low.) If the number of homeless people had only increased by 26% over the last few years and previously no homeless people were addicted to drugs other than alcohol, then this might make sense, but neither of those things are very likely to be true. The homeless rate in NYC more than doubled from 2006 to today, and I’m reasonably certain that the homeless have have been abusing drugs as long as there have been drugs and homeless people.

Finally, it may just be that people don’t have the support structure they used to. Families are smaller, single mothers are more common. All of this means that there are fewer people to catch you “on the way down.” I saw this process play out with my college roommate. He had bad health and couldn’t keep a job. This was unfortunate, but on top of that he was an orphan with no siblings. He stayed with some friends for awhile, and he stayed with his uncle for awhile, he even got the Mormon Church to pay for his apartment for a while (despite not being Mormon). Somewhat tragically, he actually died of alcoholic hepatitis before actually becoming homeless, but my guess is that at that point it was only a few months away, and even if it had taken longer, I think he surely would have eventually ended up homeless if he hadn’t died. I think if his parents had still been alive, or if he had had any brothers and sisters, the story would have been quite a bit different.

To conclude, I’ll repeat again, I don’t know why homelessness is so high despite an economy that by all appearances is doing great. Of the four things I mentioned, I suspect that inequality, the opiate crisis, and lack of support all contribute, but I don’t think they’re sufficient. Also I’m going to say it doesn’t have much, if anything, to do with the strength of the economy and high housing costs. And I’m willing to predict that if the economy does start tanking, that the situation will only get much worse.

I am not in any danger of becoming homeless, but if you want to help me avoid that danger anyway, no matter how tiny it is, consider donating.


  1. I'm not sure this leads to a better understanding of homelessness. For example, looking to New York as representative is probably folly, since they have one of the highest rates of homelessness in the nation. Given they're an outlier, perhaps the rate increase is also an outlier.

    Bump that, and you've got little here to suggest long-term growth in homelessness other than, "2007 may have been a word outlier". Perhaps Banks, faced with the option of foreclosing on millions of houses that would not sell and would be left to rot vacant, opted for occupancy to preserve the assets until values recovered (which did happen), and maybe this depressed the homeless rate?

    I'm not versed in the statistics. A quick Google search turns up this article from The Guardian suggesting there was NO increase in the rate of homelessness between the Great Depression and 2016:

    All this is not to suggest homelessness isn't an issue. It's to suggest we shouldn't treat it as a new and emerging crisis. We respond differently to crises than to long-term unsolved problems. Identifying one as the other is, in my opinion, one reason so many modern social solutions are ineffective.

    Then again, perhaps this kind of error is not so modern. In the Bible, Judas complains when some expensive oil is wasted on Jesus. "We could have given that to the poor!" Jesus's response is classic, "The poor you have with you always." Or in other words, "stop using crisis-level analysis to figure out how to respond to long-run problems."

    As to the poor getting poorer, this is another area that seems misdiagnosed to me. It's weird that such a tired trope is exactly at odds with the evidence, but it's simply not the case that the poor are getting poorer. What is happening - there's lots of evidence to support this - is that inequality is increasing; and that should be handled as its own problem. But the Right isn't concerned about the political risk of having large inequities in a democratic system and how that can introduce distortions (I'm looking at you Ancient Rome), and the Left is convinced inequality is caused by the rich taking from the poor, making them poorer - which isn't supported by the evidence. So nothing gets solved because we can't diagnose the problem accurately.

    I think it's important that we diagnose problems accurately, and I'm not sure "increasing trend of homelessness" is an accurate diagnosis, based on what you've presented here. I could be wrong, but I'd like to see better evidence to support this claim before I'm willing to sign into it.

    1. I was searching for a better understanding of homelessness and what I chiefly wanted to convey is that I didn't find it. I used New York because it seemed to be the only place where they had long term data, and even their data only goes back to 1984, which isn't very far.

      You included a link and said it illustrated no rise since the "Great Depression" when the article actually says the "Great Recession" which is very different. ;) And I linked to essentially the same statistic, the question is, why has homelessness been essentially flat between 2007 and now? I could understand it getting temporarily worse, and then starting to improve, or I could understand it just getting perpetually better over that time, but I don't understand it being flat. That appears to imply that the economy has nothing to do with it... Which maybe so, but if the economy isn't a factor in homelessness what is.

      As far as the poor getting poorer, at best things have been stagnant for the poor, but there's also significant evidence, that median household income has collapsed in constant dollars:

      That link has a chart showing that average household income is as low as it's been since the 1960's...

      Finally if you won't accept the increase in homelessness, can you at least admit it's weird that it hasn't really budged despite nine years of economic expansion?

    2. 9 data points seems like a pretty small sample size, don't you think.

      But building on my comment below I'm wondering if it's a measurement problem.

      Spin up classic 80's teen comedy movie cliches. You have a summer camp, the girls' shower has two holes in the wall. Two boys sneak looks whenever the girls are there. How many peeping toms does the camp have? Two. But if a 3rd hole appeared no doubt a 3rd boy would use it. So if you're counting peeps by how many are peeping maybe you're really just counting capacity to peep and not the underlying number of peeps?

      If you are measuring homeless people by how many sign up at the shelter or register for aid or something like that. Maybe all you are really doing is measuring how many slots there are in particular places for the homeless and those slots are always going to be filled if the true number is much larger. Only a huge change in the 'true' number would start to be felt in the # of slots filled at any given moment.

    3. Sorry about the depression/recession error! Thanks for correcting it.

      Your net worth link is interesting, if not really surprising. Actually, I'm surprised it hasn't gone down significantly. Spending habits appear to me to be the opposite what you'd expect if you were going to build net worth. I don't think net worth is the statistic you want here, though. Most stats I see on this subject look at inequality, sometimes at real wages averaged over time. Much is made of studies that track individuals over time - probably the closest to what you want, but still problematic.

      I think of what an old engineer roommate of mine called the 'reasonable test'. If economic conditions for the poor and/or middle class are truly flat, you'd expect there'd be no preference for one or the other. For example, say neo-Nazi scientists took over and started forcefully sending people back in time. Would you rather live in 4th century England, or 7th? Not obvious which is better? There probably wasn't a lot of economic gain over those three centuries. But I suspect most people would choose 2015 over 1975 without having to think too hard about it. That suggests there's a lot about those 40 years we're missing in the analysis.

      I agree there are probably other factors involved in homelessness than economic ones. Likely there is a bimodal effect, where if things get 1930's bad the economy is the main problem, and fixing that means fixing homelessness. Having had some homeless friends, my general impression is that homelessness is often not a direct effect of, "I got laid off and couldn't find another job before the money ran out." But I think that's what most of us think of when we consider how, "There but for the grace of God go I." And really this topic in general.

      I'm reminded of a conversation I once heard between two economists debating the conflicting literature on the minimum wage. One of them basically said, "Look, in many places - including the US federal minimum - the minimum wage is so low as to be below most people's reserve wage, so it wouldn't have an effect anyway." This is like saying, "it's illegal to work for $0.05/hr, did that have any negative employment effects? How about positive effects?" Or in the case of homelessness, we went from an economy that families will cross deserts to try to join to one where slightly fewer people crossed deserts for, then back again. How did that impact homelessness?

  2. Few quick thoughts:

    1. The property crime chart is actually amazing. Property crime appeared to go flat in the 1980's. This is stunning because the amount of property people have has gone up big time. Just consider, today almost everyone is walking around with a phone in their pocket that would be roughly the value of a large living room TV in 1970. There's just so much stuff today and a lot of it is pretty compact, light and easy to lift. Think of your 1970's drama where people come home and all the furniture is gone because 'robbers' actually made a living stealing furniture!

    1.1 Pinker creatively in his Angels book measured death caused by violence rather than crime over time. This avoided the problem of making sense of violence approved of by law and society in different times and places versus not approved. Property crimes, though, are a bit fuzzy. A kid who downloads copyrighted music is committing a crime. Should we tally that up like we do car thefts? In the distant past some car theft was 'joy riding', kids would take a car, drive it around and then park it. How does that compare to the organized chop-shop theft ring? In the 1800's Charles Dickens did speaking tours in the US because printers literally would steal his copyright whereas today JK Rowling is assured every Harry Potter sale in the states generates the proper royalties.

    2. Economic booms clearly bring homeless with them. Why are there lots of rats and stray cats in NYC? Because rats, cats and other animals can make a great living in NYC just from the garbage and dropped food of the dense population that lives there. When oceanographers tape a huge whale swimming in the ocean, they see lots of tiny fish and other animals swimming along right under it. Not to say the homeless are rats or animals but I think the dynamic is the same here. It is viable to be homeless in NYC in a way it isn't in a small North Dakota town.

    2.1 Minor digression but I recall back in the 90's, before NYC went from 'dangerous' to Disney, a reporter actually undertook a census of subway beggars. Asked to guess how many there might be, riders guessed thousands, tens of thousands, even a hundred thousand. The actual number was shockingly low, I think it might have been less than 100. It seemed huge because like other businesses, beggars took the most opportune spots first and those would be the subway trains and stations that got the most traffic.

    3. Speaking of ecosystems, I would consider you might not have seen the homeless leave despite the improving economy because of that. Let's say during the crises, a collection of tents pops up in the woods behind the Wal-Mart of where you live. It's tolerated because times are tough. Now as things improve why would you expect the tents to vanish? Yes individual homeless people may leave the camp but since the camp is in a relatively good place other homeless will fill in vacancies created. The homeless camp will continue even if homelessness declines for the same reason your mall keeps going despite mall traffic declining. It's cheaper to keep them going unless until the decline is so dramatic and prolonged enough to justify them not.

    1. 1- The increase in the amount of property is an interesting point, and one I haven't considered. I'll have to chew on that.

      1.1- This is a good solution, but as I recall from reading the book, he didn't do much to account for the number of people who would have died in say 1800 who don't die today because of advances in medicine. This sort of thing does make comparing the rate of homicides today, to the rate of homicides today tricky at a minimum.

      2- But I think economic busts also bring about homelessness, so I'm not sure it's possible to clearly draw a line between the economy and homelessness, they may be independent variables.

      2.1- That doesn't surprise me, but it's still interesting to know which way the trend is headed.

      3- So there's a sort of inertia to the homeless problem? That makes a certain sense, but it also ties into my argument that if a good economy doesn't solve the homeless problem a bad economy certainly isn't and now that we have some inertia already, we could end up in a situation where in the next downturn this inertia compounds...

    2. 1. Let's put a pin in that.
      1.1 That actually helps his thesis. If all types of avoidable natural deaths were happening in 1800 then it's remarkable that violence still found a way to claim so many people. If anything then today violent deaths should be even higher since the grim reaper can't get us as easily from rickets or polio or smallpox anymore.

      2-3 I think we might have multiple types of homelessness in play. Perhaps economy driven homelessness impacts a group of people who are much more transitory in being homeless. They are likely to sleep in their car or crash at different friends' houses etc. These people do flow back and forth with the economy but it is hard to see them. They carry valid drivers licenses, for example, but maybe no longer get mail at their address. They 'on the grid' in the sense that they mix in society as non-homeless people and you won't pick that up unless you really question them.

      Another class is more 'off the grid' or maybe a better way to say it is 'on a different grid'. Being homeless there is more like being carless. Perhaps better economic opportunities will cause some non-car people to buy cars, but there are people who don't have cars and unless they suddenly got really rich would just put more income into non-car spending if they got it. Prolonged bad times might cause more people to shift into this category and it would take prolonged good times to shift people out but ultimately this group is not caused by the short term economy.
